-> >I hope they kept the vocal,
-> >silly as it is.
-> You might be interested in this product I am developing.
-> It's called the "Acme Re-edit-o-lator"
-> It's like a big box, and you put the record in one end. Set 
-> the knob on the
-> side to whichever setting you like (there's "HardyBangTheBox",
-> "LevanBassHeavySpaceOEdit" "HarveyMadTackle" and "ruffedupTheostyle")
-> and pull the lever. The re-edit pops out the other side. 
-> It's sort a like a
-> soda stream, but different.
-> Hey presto, cheesy vocal removed... this time next week I'll be a
-> millionaire.

post of the year...easily :)


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