when he played in brooklyn a few years back there was a nice size turnout
for the night, at least by new york standards. maybe in europe he gets
mobbed and followed by paparazzi. but what the hell, I-f can choose to play
where and when he wants without owing me an explanation.

but i've got to say, visa issues wouldn't help. i was planning to return to
new york for a visit in may - but the visa process isn't worth the hassle -
i have to get a copy of any police record, be fingerprinted and
photographed, attend at interview, show all passports i've ever held, fill
out a form listing all mititary training, any experience with welding,
firearms, explosives etc., and the list continues. and when i arrive at LAX
there is no guaraantee i'll be let in - they'll put me back on the plane if
i have an unpaid parking fine in australia.
mp3 mixes

             "Blackman, Ryan                                               
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To 
             tergykoch.eu.com>         'robin'                             
                                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,        
             05/04/04 05:22 PM         "Steward, Tim"                      
                                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         
                                       RE: (313) Re: No play in the USA    
                                       (was Movement I-F discussion)       

How many times would you fly (in this case) from Holland to the States, to
gigs where no one came to?
You'd get sick of it in the end, and would probably accept gigs on the
that they are at least gonna be worth your while....

It's not exactly a new thing (decent artists bombing in the US) anyway.

-----Original Message-----
From: robin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 05 April 2004 5:06
To: Steward, Tim
Cc: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: (313) Re: No play in the USA (was Movement I-F discussion)

yeah but ferenc might think that's too much bother for the return he
gets so would rather put that effort elsewhere.

anyway you americans burn disco records in your stadiums...that irks us
disco loving europeans. :) (and there's the detroit on-topicness too)


Steward, Tim wrote:
> I also disagree - because a record label is responsible
> for marketing and promotion or the artist...being here
> in the US- Detroit to be exact... if artist don't choose
> to promote themselves in this market how do they expect
> people to know what they are about or trying to do..
> I'm just one of the lucky people who has a job that
> allows me to travel to other countries, but with the job
> industry I am sure that is rare for most people...
> Just thoughts...
> TS-1
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 11:52 AM
> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 313@hyperreal.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: (313) Re: No play in the USA (was Movement I-F dicussion)
> Well, Ferenc's agent told me that he doesn't think the US audience
> understands what it is he's trying to do, or what he's about.
> I disagree, of course, but he doesn't listen to me, obviously ;)
> e
>>>he's told his agents that he never wants to play in the US again
>>Did he state for what reason?
>>This isn't the first time I've heard this and I'm sure many
>>other list members have heard artists say this.
>>US artists who rarely play in the US or who leave the US to live
>>because they are requested to play more often in other countries
>>DJs/musicicans from other countries that have played in the US but now
>>refuse to
>>what reasons have other artists stated as their reason for immigrating or
>>refusing to play in the states?
>>frustrates me that this happens (although in certain cases I understand)
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