what?? there's no reason for a gd repress to be $17. f that. i aint buying it. i'll wait to pick up a dozen other classics for the same money at a secondhand place. there's loads of other classics out there... i dont think there are many positive ramifications of pricing records this way. it is supply and demand yes, high price to make as much profit as possible because demand is not that great. those who want it want it bad enough to pay the retarded price. it's a kinda shady way to hype your product: it costs a lot -- it must be good! it's worth it! well maybe, but it's not worth 3 times the price of other new records, especially not for a repress. even from a collector standpoint..all glory is to the original pressing, traditionally represses arent worth much, they even devalue. you cant put a price on good music, but there is a standard price for records so... overall i think this trend stinks. leaves buyers with a smaller budget for other new records, gives these high-priced "classics", new peacefrogs etc, somewhat undue priority with your wallet. nice marketing trick but makes the vinyl market even more exclusive, and harder for smaller labels to stay in the game. generally takes some joy out of buying new records. whatever.
props to clone for repressing glass domain with a normal pricetag.

its supply and demand. even @ $10 and up from US distros, all the
distros were out within hours of getting them in. i know my demand
for the record was well over $17 (what i paid for it from
submerge) but well under what a used copy goes for on ebay. ill be
happy to get the other 69 records for the same price as well. now
carl needs to repress those retroactive records and a couple more
early planet e joints to make me happy.



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