ronny>>face it, you're living a longtime relationship with the things you
>that's why they appear old, used or even boring to you. time to change
>the point of view maybe?

well, maybe.

but the point is, all I hear is badly recycled ideas.
and worse, this seems to be acceptable for some reason.

take Matthew Herbert. how many times have I read that this man is pushing
electronic music to new levels, taking it one step further. what? by
recycling 60 year old songs, adding a few of his own and standing infront
of it all sampling a balloon?

is this the 'future'? the 'hip' crowd obviously had read that it was.

or that band Spektrum. Great band. I keep reading they're the hottest new
thing. I think they sound great, but lets face it, that could have been
made 20 years ago without looking too deeply into it.

I dunno. there's tons of great new underground music about at the minute,
and I don't why I moan, perhaps I just want an argument. Of course you have
to look to the past to gain inspiration, but for f**ks sake, I think it's
gone way too far. It's like my mate who I swear to god hasn't bought a
record that was made past 1986 in the last 3 years. he dj's out too, and
he's good, but flippin eck, I don't think I can live with it any more, it
bores me.

so there.

*I'm getting me a spacesuit*

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