
I don't really see loads of people dreaming about the future in relation to
music, and I used to find that pretty exciting. looking back ALL the time
seems to be the order of the day at the minute.

maybe that's because our visions of the future have changed since the eighties. look at almost every movie made in the 80ies, 'predicting' the future, everything looked more or less the same, there was a consensus over what the future actually was going to look like. if you look back even further you see the same thing, but the future looks even more 'far out' every one walks around in shiny silvery costumes, and has a spacecraft. looking at the future in that way nowadays, is about the most retro concept you can think of.

we've come to realise that we don't really know what the future will look like, what we do realise though is that chances are that it won't look anything like we immagined it before. therefore our collective vision of the future has changed. there isn't one vision anymore, more so, we can't really put a visual with this/these new visions. futurism has become more about interpersonal relationships, and has become much more of a personal view of what the future could like like. old value systems and so fort are regarded by some as a necessity for future societys, this view can be reflected in the way people make their 'futuristic' music.

therefore it could very well be that you are surrounded by much more futuristic music then you'd think, you just don't recognise it as such, as it's not compattible with your view of the future.


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