therefore it could very well be that you are surrounded by much more futuristic music then you'd think, you just don't recognise it as such, as it's not compattible with your view of the future.

i thought this was very well put.
i don't have much of a conception of the future right now, my vision is pretty nearsighted. which sort of makese sense as technology has stopped making distinct advances and instead moves along in subtle improvements. in the 80's there was the jump into the digital age, now everything seems just further refinements of existing technology, pushing digital further. socially/politically, things are just sort of stagnant these days, going nowhere, fermenting. so anyways it kind of fits somehow that much new music consists of refining or bulding upon past styles.

there was a real energy of vision about the future in the 80's and early 90's. it may be in the past now, but things were just plain more futuristic then. because now futurism perpetuates a sense of the present, its a paradox. try looking to the future now and a concrete sense of the present overwhelms it. but the present is refining and reusing the past. so look to the past, and you end up in the present again, or with a retro idea of the future. retro futurism is the most powerful futurism right now, even if it's obsolete.

or something. i'm confused.

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