Very "1984" isn't it?


                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       Dennis DeSantis 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      
            >               cc:       "" 
                                               Subject:  Re: AW: (313) no 
(ellen) alliens in nyc                          
                      05/18/04 08:33 AM                                         

it's all about getting you used to not having any civil liberties. the
terrorist threat is just a useful excuse for the authorities to do this.

you'll never stop terrorism as you can always think up schemes to get
around any control in place.

the same is true over here (UK)

ok i'm off topic now so i'll shut up


Dennis DeSantis wrote:
>  > During that whole period I was only stopped once
> Oh, I've also gone through WITHOUT stopping the car at all.  Literally,
> I was waved through by a border guard without a question ever being
> My point was simply that it's random and entirely unorganized.  One day,
> it's total lockdown.  The next day, it's Al Qaeda Open House.

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