the reason why the boarder is so tight and the rules keep changing is not
becasue the candian govt want to make it hard to criss cross the boarder
its the US govt who feels that canada is a terrosit holding ground, ever
since 9/11 criss corssing the boarder has been a pain in the ass.
the us govt decied to impose restictions not only on us customes  but on
canadian customes and your fraidy cat govt followed suit for the most part
that is. also the rules for candian artists going over the boarder to
perform has changed also and in fact its a pretty heafty tax that
unfortuntly has to fall on the promotures and in term on the paying public
for the shows.... it makes tours of the us a very unappealing venture for
us canadians...

On Tue, 18 May 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> i dunno about that, but i've definately flirted with a couple of them
> hottie canadian border guards.
> i told one that i was going to the Minus offices, and she said she loved
> Richie Hawtin and i should look for her at the party that weekend.i think
> i even gave her some Motor fliers.
> i swear- they must get college credit for
> working there.
> On Tue, 18 May 2004, Carissa Tintinalli wrote:
> > Even better than waving cars through - flirting with young Canadian girls on
> > their way to school. Unless asking people on dates is some secret
> > immigration technique to weed out terrorists...
> >
> >
> > >
> > >LOLOL! You do have a point! I too have gotten the wave through. How in the
> > >hell can they consider waving cars secure?!? You're absolutely
> > >right...there is no method to their madness...
> > >
> > >--
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > >
> > > >  > During that whole period I was only stopped once
> > > >
> > > > Oh, I've also gone through WITHOUT stopping the car at all.  Literally,
> > > > I was waved through by a border guard without a question ever being
> > >asked.
> > > >
> > > > My point was simply that it's random and entirely unorganized.  One day,
> > > > it's total lockdown.  The next day, it's Al Qaeda Open House.
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Dennis DeSantis
> > > >
> >
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> >
> >
> >

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