Vinyl Junkies is a wicked shop and in my experience has plenty 313 stuff.
What i do find, however, is that they don't seem to be very well-stocked and
so tend to run out of copies of what you want (although this could just be
indicative of how many heads shop there). It's definately the friendliest
shop in London, so much so that i just got an invitation from them about a
party they are throwing on 11th June for anyone who has ever shopped there -
what great guys! Info at:
And to keep this more OT, CC, Theo and Mike Grant all shop at Vinyl Junkies
when they are in town.
Koobla was rubbish. I am loathe to shop at an establishment where the staff
know less than me about records, it really does mean that they don't know
enough to be working there.

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