I think every geographical location has different elements that are tapped
into by different people
it's all in your perspective

>new jersey and new york can be about as grim as it gets (harsh climate,
>decaying urban enviroenments, social ills) but they are both places known
>for uplifting soulful house.

I would postulate that this is largely due to the fact that it is grim with
many social ills
Everyone escapes into the soulful house for some shelter - hence the name
of the club.

>however, the biggest counterargument comes from australia -a land of blue
>skies, beaches and cute furry animals. it makes san fransisco seems
>wet and dark. yet, australia produces some hard-arsed dark music.

One word - alligators
Australia is actually a pretty harsh climate too in places with some
seriously nasty fauna
and it seems from listening to several 313 members who live in the land of
Oz that the boredom level can get high if you're in a small town so I can
see where that adds to the harshness of some of the music that comes from

as far as California goes - try to fit John Tejada, Twerk, Sutekh, etc.
into the sunny weather = happy music theory and you might have a hard time.
California's got some properly messed up music - like glam/hair metal. ;)


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