On Wed, 26 May 2004 02:45:59 +0100, James Bucknell wrote:
> I don't buy the geography argument.

Neither do I.  I live in LA, with one of the best climates in the world
(OK OK, minus the smog bit), and I'm rockin' tha D all the time here.

(Aside: I was probably the biggest Joy Division fan in the States back
 when they were extant, despite the fact that sometimes it doesn't
 rain here for months on end.  I considered them uplifting, not "doom
 n' gloom".)

People don't become House-heads in San Francisco because of the
change in climate from where they came from; it's because they're
always surrounded by a bunch of [EMAIL PROTECTED]' Hippies once they get
there  ;)

        - Greg (whose [blonde] "Kill The Hippies" Punk roots are showing)

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