On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 02:34:45PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> jeff said:
> > Also, on this note.... does anyone besides me think it odd and/or
> > suprising that several members of UR headlined a festival sponsored
> > primarily by Sony?
> AFAIK, sony music, and sony corp. are two different entities.  You can't
> hate the son for the sins of the father, IMO.


to quote:

Sony Corporation is engaged in the development, design, manufacture and 
sale of various kinds of electronic equipment, instruments and devices for 
consumer and industrial markets. The Company develops, produces, 
manufactures and markets home-use game consoles and software. It is also 
engaged in the development, production, manufacture and distribution of 
recorded music in all commercial formats and musical genres.


"all commercial formats and musical genres".... like bastardized trance 

Then again we all use MDR-V700s (and many of us Vaios as well) so we 
really have no room to talk.


 Rev. Jeffrey Paul    -datavibe-     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   aim:x736e65616b   pgp:0x15FA257E   phone:8777483467
    70E0 B896 D5F3 8BF4 4BEE 2CCF EF2F BA28 15FA 257E

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