
Vince Watson - Parallels
Bit faster than his usual stuff

Lands//. - Antitainment
Dark electronics for the soul...

All the other new stuff is here Alex


9/6/04 9:46 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Arrrgh *stretches*, god I feel 'cosmic' today.
> anyone want to borrow any cough medicine? seems there's a nasty bout about.
> I love it when it kicks off here, even Ken's got the camel today.
> I'm on the offensive too, I'm in fcuking Liverpool.
> Jesus, I'd been here 5 minutes, someone had asked to 'buy' my bike (so he
> got the hump when I told him to do one)
> and I saw some gippo trying to jimmy a phone box open (in broad daylight in
> the middle of town)
> 5 minutes, I kid you not. Welcome to the capital of culture. Pikey gippo
> m'feckers.
> anyway, anyone got any new records?
> anything good?
> God I'm loving that Aaron Carl thing I got. My mate Johnny don't like it,
> but I think it sounds like Shake doing a Prince record on Jeff MIll's
> Luxury label (or something). Ace rave tackle. Can't wait to bust it out
> <cough cough>
> Alex
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