On Jun 10, 2004, at 1:22 PM, J. T. wrote:
fyi, spun is also making records as thick as thieves, along with ben cook..real nice disco re-edits! i see on discogs they had an album out on noid a few years ago too, anyone heard?
looking forward to hearing the rong stuff

I just have the black-label one, (info only says Rong Promo) i think it's re-edits and I heard w/ some help from Danny Wang (?) i dunno for sure though. It's a 3 tracker and all are electronic disco re-edit BOMBS... check it. Played one of them on the show last week (June 7th), about 1 hour and 2 minutes into part 1.. if you want to hear it.

along the same lines is the Carlos Hernandez "roller giggle", on Basenotic.. the cut playing right before the Rong thing, god it's an epic super long track and freaks out all over the place, and I think even some samples from the old videogame Berzerk, haha. Carlos has done live congas for Metro Area before too.

and to bring it all full circle-- Darshan played a great set at the first Metro Area residency in chicago last Saturday.. with support from Common Factor.. classic electro/funk/disco/weirdo groovers.. kept the floor full and sweaty at Smartbar. The Meiotic DJs kicked it up early on too.. a good night of music.

Matt MacQueen

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