On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Robert Taylor wrote:

> I doubt it - UK only has commercial days like 'eating apples day' and such 
> like - there's not much interest in naming days after people, though there 
> seems to be a habit of naming public buildings after local politicians and 
> sportsmen, as well as international political figures such as Nelson Mandela.

So here's the process in Saint Louis and Detroit.  Someone contacts a
councilperson to draft a resolution saying "this day is so and so's day."
They send it up to the council and it passes (usually unanimously).  Then
the mayor drafts a document for the interested parties saying "i'm glad to
announce that this day is so and so's day."

Streets?  A bit more complicated.  I would imagine that zoning boards
might have to be involved.  But again with a dedicated group of citizens
it could be done here.

What's the process in the UK?

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