besides- its much easier to canonize someone than it is to say- let them
flourish with a club scene that goes all night, and without the ridiculous
club laws and restrictions that keep the music from growing.

Knuckles Way?


On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Lester Kenyatta Spence wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Jul 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Check this out!
> >
> >;f=19;t=013745
> >
> > That woud never happen in England!
> This is absolutely GREAT news.
> One thing to remember though--this type of event doesn't just happen.  It
> CAN BE(and in the case of dead geezers like Ronald Reagan often IS) a
> response to political pressure.
> I would imagine something like this COULD happen in England, if folks were
> tactical and strategic.
> peace
> lks

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