i've got an X-session... although i'm probably not the most knowledgable person to ask about it. i use it primarily for video mixing w/ the max/msp/jitter environment. lotsa knobs to twiddle. lotsa programmable button/knob configurations. can handle a good amount of physical and verbal abuse. reasonably priced...

me likey.


On Jul 19, 2004, at 3:51 PM, matt kane's brain wrote:

At 03:39 PM 7/19/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
hrm -- interesting. i'm ordinarily not much of a Behringer fan, as I think they take cost-cutting measures that affect sound quality, but that's not really an issue with a USB MIDI controller. there's also the BCR2000, which does away with the faders completely in exchange for more knobs.

Has anyone tried an Evolution X-Session? It has knobs and buttons and a crossfader.
unsigned short int to_yer_mama;
matt kane's brain


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