> derrick and kevin can get all the awards and alcolaides they can fit on
> their shelves. that doesn't change the fact that there's only a 50/50
> chance of them filling any club they decide to play in detroit (or the
> whole country for that matter).
> they still have to travel overseas to earn a living. so i don't see how
> 'acclaim' transfers into anything else, like sucess or stability.

Acclaim doesn't tranfer to success or stability.  And end result of
acclaim can be success , but acclaim itself has nothing to do with
success or stability.

Here's the definition of acclaim:

2 : to declare by acclamation
intransitive senses : to shout praise or applause

You can be acclaimed by 1 person, or 5 million people.

I do acclaim Kevin and Derrick, it's just that I also acclaim
all the other hard working people who have sacrificed quite a
bit to ensure that we all have a little Soul in our Music.

Now if only more music had SOUL!



> On Tue, 7 Sep 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >While techno has been embraced by the European masses since the late
>> '80s,
>> it's only been in the past five years >that the men who most people
>> credit
>> as the godfathers of the music have won broad acclaim in their hometown
>> Just out of interest, do people from detroit feel they have broad
>> acclaim
>> in their hometown now?
>> _________________________________________________________________

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