so alex what makes you sit on your perch and talk don't know
me or my crew or what we are about or who we if you want to
pick apart someones playlist that has'nt been updated since i don't even
know when, then go ahead but your displaying your stupidity time and time
again with this thread if you have something to say about me or my
crew say it....and when you do i hope you know who your talking
about...for once that would be one ever directed anything at
you choose to take it that way , then thats on you.....i do notice
that your so quick to respond to things on this list you know nothing
about and time and time again you look like and idiot trying to attack
what you deem as tell you the truth i really dont care how
you perceve me on this list but i am sure if we met face to face and
discussed issues of this nature  we probably would see eye to eye..... but
dont for a second think that someone else's ramblings/ opinions is my crew
Renegade Rhythms stance.......if you can read plain english, you are
english correct?? i said i posted that email for a friend and i thought it
was how does that put me and my crew in the position of the
evil people  who support people like carl cox.....GROW UP

maybe you need to go to our website to find out who we have supported in
the past (although we need to update it).....cause i don't see [EMAIL 
you.....except to use this list as your personal record spotter and to let
people know how down you are......its annoying and so are you at times...
i try not to ruffle many people's feathers on this list unless i feel its
relevent to do why are you attacking me and my crew?????

and by the way i am sure some people are tired of seeing this so maybe we
sould take this private????

and yea your logic stinks and you assume to much....

If you ask me, at least with the likes of Tiesto etc you know where you
> stand. He's a popular trance dj, and does his thing to the masses.
> Carl Cox on the other hand, is a complete band-wagon jumper, who changes
> his micro style of music every few years or so to keep in with the kids.

comparing one trance dj to the next and saying one is better than the
other just to make your point relevent is hypocrisy at its finest ....but
i would'nt expect anything else from you......trance is trance kiddo and i
support none of it


> Tell you what. This got me thinking.
> (Yeah, yeah, I know that doesn't happen too often)
> Everyone bangs on about Tiesto etc. But bringing the conversation round a
> little, I noticed that the now famous Dj Mani in his top 10 list of labels
> name checked Intec (Carl Cox's label), and 2 of Billy Nasty's labels in
> his
> top 10.
> Now. This obviously proves DJ Mani is a total no-brainer, but also on
> another level too.
> If you ask me, at least with the likes of Tiesto etc you know where you
> stand. He's a popular trance dj, and does his thing to the masses.
> Carl Cox on the other hand, is a complete band-wagon jumper, who changes
> his micro style of music every few years or so to keep in with the kids.
> I forget how many times he's done it, but jesus. Billy Nasty is the same.
> Their current little thing is so called 'techno' (that's hard dance music
> to you and me)
> and f**kwits like Dj Mani are lapping it up and spending their money on
> it.
> There's 101 other worthy UK labels he could spend his money with, and has
> been for the last 15 years.
> Shame Dj Mani ignored all these and chose to spend his money with the
> jokers.
> He speaks of battles etc, and boycotts, but flippin 'eck, all us here in
> the UK have been battling against these jokers using the name techno from
> the year dot. It's nothing new.
> These clowns ruined that word 'techno' (and had done by about '92), such
> is
> which we can't use it anymore. I don't use it anyway, do you?
> Hmm, sorry, more ramblings.
> And if you guys from Renegade Rhythm come back with a story like "well, me
> and the advent were having tea and scones and they say Carl Cox is
> alright", I'm gonna scream.
> Alex
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