i bought one at the insistance of derrick may when he was shilling at the
booth. he told me it was $15. so i handed the guy at the counter a $20,
and when i asked for change, he said 'these are signed by derrick, so
they're $20'

that gave me a good laugh, the huckster.

then i left the DVD in a friends rental car, so i never saw it and can
never ebay it.


On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Cyclone Wehner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >It was marketed at this year's festival.
> i bought the DVD this year. its alright, i watched it once and
> dont imagine i will watch it again for many years. not that its
> bad, but i still actually remember much of 03 pretty well (as well
> as i can in the state i was in :) so its more like im saving it to
> show to my son one day if the festival ceases existing before he
> can go.
> tom
> ________________________________________________________________
> andythepooh.com

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