One of the strange miracles of dance music is how "Just Want
Another Chance" spawned an entire dead-end genre, techstep.

Don't mean to ignite any flamewars with techstep fans here, but
as brilliant and prefigurative as those early Reese records are,
one bassline snippet only goes so far.

I really enjoyed techstep when it got started, it added nice flavor
to a set, but when you started hearing hour after hour of nothing-
but from the crew-of-the-moment DJs, it wore out quickly.  I feel
kind of bad about saying that because the "Another Chance"
bassline really is cool, but the dominance of techstep in 1998-99
cut off the air supply of a lot of other related genres, and I pretty
much stopped playing any of it despite DJing jungle/d&b since
early 1994 when "Original Nuttah" and Omni Trio finally hit the
west coast.

There's noone to blame for it, really, certainly not Ed Rush,
Optical, Nico and the other originators of this, who had a lot
of really creative stuff at the beginning and not surprisingly
mined the sound for all it was worth.  But then there were a
thousand imitators  It's just one of those trends that smothered

-- fh

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