the buyer didnt say what maurizzio say in the email as far as sueing them
is concerned. from what i could tell, they were pissed, obviously. but
thats all i know. i would go ask him, but i really dont want to press the
issue too much.

i guess there was no reason to open my mouth about it in the first place,
considering thats all i know. i was mainly just pointing out that news
has travelled from my post on here, to andrew duke, to BC themselves, and
then back to the buyer here.

the only reason i said anything is because they asked us about it, which i
can only assume means they are taking further action and werent letting it
slide by.


On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek Plaslaiko. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 14 December 2004 15:45
> To: Kevin Reynolds
> >anyhow, i found out today that maurizzio emailed the buyer here at watts
> and aknowledged the record. i dont know any more than that. but it has come
> full circle,
> Sorry Derek - can you explain to me (non record industry person) what
> 'acknowledging' in this context means?  Does this mean he thinks it's OK?  I
> hope not and that he sues them!

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