Ron's big on the animal references -- he told me the intro to a track
I was having him cut sounded like crickets.

I don't know Ron except for spending an hour with him one day cutting
a record, but he sure seemed to be kind of a goofball.  And I mean
that in the best possible sense of the word.

On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 13:54:06 -0500, M : A : T : R : I : X
> funny tidbit about that track:
> Years ago, Mr. Larkin told me "Q" was christened "the turkey track" by
> National Sounds Ron Murphy when Kenny took it in for mastering. This was due
> to the part in the track that sounds like "gobble...gobble...gobble gobble!"
> now thats all I can think of whenever I hear that track :^)

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