or at least try to start a bittorrent tracker for it.

On Jan 26, 2005, at 0:36, Simon Kong wrote:

  Break it out on the P2P .. isn't that one of the great advantages.

  Load it up on SLSK ' share it with your community and get viral
  on the distrobution ..

  Sounds like a perfect situation to expliot the postitives of P2P.


Anton Banks (313) wrote:
I know this is a big order to fill but would anyone happen to have access to a website with some "spare" bandwidth? The audio of my shows featuring Dan Bell and John Tejada generated upwards of 11GB of bandwidth per day. The problem is that my website only comes with 40GB per month. I had to take the mixes offline to keep my site from going over the bandwidth limit. Once the site goes over this limit it will get shut down. I obviously underestimated
the capacity that I would need.
I'd really like to keep the shows available for people to listen to a little
longer. Can anyone help me?
PS- For the record, I would gladly buy more capacity but I'm already in the
hole for what I currently have...

matt kane's brain
aim -> mkbatwerk || mkbwriu

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