That's what I assumed and I think everyone thought that Kevin would maybe 
relieve Derrick, that was open talk last year.
It's a big sacrifice.
But it sounds like something has gone down with the city.
I think there was talk of touring Movement to places like Europe, Japan,
etc, and I am wondering if that wouldn't increase its profile - the festival
should be about Detroit and in Detroit - but it could be a good way to
generate exposure and especially corporate interest. Maybe a Movement stage
at Sonar? I don't know.

>>I think this is very sad. I think Derrick and his team did a
> fantastic job
>>in very difficult circumstances. It's a huge credit to them.
> i just kinda figured since kevin was tengentially involved last
> year that he would just be in charge with transmat still
> technically the ones doing it since theyre the ones with the
> contract with the city to do the festival. so does this mean the
> contract is up for grabs and that whatever groupd kevin is
> involved with will have to bid against other people (carol marvin
> and joe louis????!!!!) to get it for this year and future years?
> eek. i hope someone has their sh*t together here.....
> there has to be some independantly wealthy techno fan out there
> who can just hook the festival up. there has to. if i had hundreds
> of millions of dollars id do it in a heartbeat. 

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