On Wednesday, February 09, 2005, at 11:05AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Does anybody know more?

>I was just thinking this as well!
>It's funny, must just be me being super nosy, but when you get told half a
>story, you always wanna know the full story!
>Best off leaving it unsaid really, thats a mad confrontational press
>release he put out. I wouldn't have known any different, or wanted to know
>any different if he hadn't have said anything!
>Still, none of my business and all that. Curiousity killed the cat I heard.

Yeah i agree...

The message apparently was sent by Go Girl Managment, Rolando's management. 

First of all i am not trying to defend anyone here, not UR not Rolando. Like 
Alex said before there are always to sides of a story. I am sure that if UR 
would tell there part of this they would have a perfectly good reason for what 
is said in that e-mail. Just look at the whole 'Carl Craig vs. Carol Marvin' 
story, if you just heard the CC version then you would almost believe that 
Carol was a vampire and we should all put stick through her heart :) There is 
just no way you know all the things that happened unless you are directly 
involved in this and then you are biased becaused you alway take sides.

Botomline is that in most cases like this no-one is right and everyone is 


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