>Hey - and talking of mammoth tasks, I read on the link to the technotourist
>site yesterday that John Osselar is building a house!!!! Blimey. I can't
>even get my act together to buy one, let alone build one. Good luck with
>that John. If you need any cheap bricks - I'm your man. Pound a piece to
>you (for cash).

--> Hehe, thanks Alex. Well, building... We're buying a casco, meaning it's 
only the four walls and connections for water, gas and electricity. All the 
rest is up to us, which is sorta scary, but also tremendously cool since you 
can have everything the way you like it; within our tight budget that is. It's 
gonna be tough on the financial front, but you get to a point in your life 
where you have to make these sorts of decisions...

But to put things back on topic: I'd rather do the house than having to 
organize Movement in such a short notice. The best of luck to Kevin, Barbara 
and their team.


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