Jan/Feb seem to have been good months on the promo front:

Just got a copy of the new Recloose 12" on Peacefrog - slightly thrown off on 
the first listen, but further inspection proved v. rewarding. Vocals by Joe 
Dukie and on a kind of 'pop disco' tip (reminiscent of Booty La La, for which I 
am def in the 'love it' camp). Worth checking for, especially if you like the 
catchiness of his stuff like 'Spelunking'.

Also on the Peacefrog tip, am getting more and more into the Marco Passarani 
LP, very uplifting, though not in a epic house breakdown way. It's all in the 
little touches on this one.

Will be playing these plus the unreleased Delano Smith stuff on the show 
tonight, also should have a guest mix from Delano in the next couple of weeks.



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