Rename them as something YOU will remember.

Like "piano plonk" or, "cosmic vaccuum" or "purple label"...  anything that 
triggers your synapses.  Don't worry about the real name.


---------- Original Message -------------
Subject: Re: (313) OOPS
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 13:24:18 +0000

>the thing i disliked the most about djing with cds was that it
>involved a different mental process to find the next track i wanted to
>play. with records i flick through my box and, if i'm on point, the next
>record practically leaps out,

I'm having this problem at the moment!!

I can't, for some reason, seem to find any tracks I want to play from my
computer with ableton! (at gigs)

Its really really odd. Like really odd. I've got over 500 things to choose
from, and none 'jump' out at me. thing is, they're just all my records that
I've recorded in anyway, so its not like they are different tracks or

it's really weird.

does anyone have anything resembling a solution, (apart from just playing
records of course)?

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