That's wicked Martin...

I really want to hear one of these sets.  If I was rich I'd bring ya to 


---------- Original Message -------------
Subject: Re: (313) OOPS
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 13:49:41 +0000
From: Martin Dust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We have 500 gigs of tracks sat on external disks, we pull tracks like 
you pull records, building sets as we go. We also play a game of 
"impossible", where you pick a track that you think will be impossible 
to mix into/out off - we just shout instruction at each other, drop the 
bass, lose the tops etc. Great fun and we've built some interesting 
stuff that way. The last set tonight at Supercondutor was built this 
way, the only rule was it had to be made of tracks we've always wanted 
to play but never had a chance. So we have UR going into Beloved into 
FSOL into Black Dog into TDE Think Twice etc.


On 18 Mar 2005, at 13:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Practice more on your computer....
> you know what, you're probably right.
> I cant say I ever, ever do 'a mix' on it at home (maybe once every 6
> months?). or even mess about that much really, I dont get much time at 
> all,
> and when I do get time, its usually spent trying to learn more things 
> about
> it as opposed to having fun.
> good tip, ta!
> alex

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