martin, when you play records do you have a definite 'set' that you do
when you play out too? just wondered.

It depends, sometimes we'll build a set to use, but we always "carry" loads more than we need and we always take the externals so we can change everything on the fly, this lets us jump around a lot more and move with or against the crowd. But we have used the methods below live but it's a lot of pressure. We also have loads of loops that we play over each others tracks. If it's a "hard" crowd we can experiment more as we find they are more open to it, we have had 20+ tracks going on each machine! We double up the controllers, so on one button press you are dealing with volume/tops/middle/bottom, press again and you have echo/filter/gate/distort - meaning you have 40 knobs not 20 :)

Hope that helps


(ie. you effectively do the same as with files below)


Martin Dust wrote:
We have 500 gigs of tracks sat on external disks, we pull tracks like you pull records, building sets as we go. We also play a game of "impossible", where you pick a track that you think will be impossible to mix into/out off - we just shout instruction at each other, drop the bass, lose the tops etc. Great fun and we've built some interesting stuff that way. The last set tonight at Supercondutor was built this way, the only rule was it had to be made of tracks we've always wanted to play but never had a chance. So we have UR going into Beloved into FSOL into Black Dog into TDE Think Twice etc.

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