not heard it, not particularly interested in hearing it tbh, too much hype

At 11:02 am +1100 23/3/05, Cyclone Wehner wrote:
And how is the Daft Punk album??? I am sooo disappointed. Loved all their
past stuff.
Sounds like Discovery outtakes, very loopy.
I always thought that Technasia were the techno Daft Punk - and they do
techno better than Daft Punk.

 Dan Bean wrote:

Just got sent the new Moby 10".....and it's actually OK!


The LP is utter, utter cobblers, without a doubt some of the worst cash in
 chart/stadium techno I've heard for a long time, but the two tracks on the
 10" (admittedly after one very quick listen) sound like quite reasonable
 minimal techno tracks with a nod to the 'german' clicky style.

I suspect that in blind listening conditions many would say: "OK track,
 maybe on Perlon?"

not that I'm trying to justify myself or anything....;)

Is it too late for me, or can I still get help?

 More importantly, is it too late for Moby?   I'd thought he'd lost his
 touch a while ago, but I was truly surprised by how good the latest
 Voodoo Child CD is.  Looks like he brought out the good china for that one.

 But Moby doing the Perlon thing?  Mmmm...that's sounds just scrumptious!!!

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