In short - this record is an embarrassment, and they should retire.

It just may be the royalty statements are no longer coming in and the money has run out.

We all have bills to pay..

Now Tones on Tail, Section 25, [ Cerent 23- spelling may be off on this one ] had some sound worth talking about.

All of them had 80's  dance club hits..


"underground static"

On Mar 22, 2005, at 13:41, Greg Earle wrote:

On Mar 22, 2005, at 1:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
so, none of those lines are putting me off. i bet i'm not the only one
on here that only hears vocals as the noise (ie. another instrument)
and can't pick out most of the words anyway most of the time.

do they use guitars a lot? that's more likely to put me off.

[Warning: Extreme biases present.]

I'm one of the biggest JD freaks in the world, from Day One.
(How many geezers do you know who bought "FAC 2 - A Factory
Sampler" when it was brand-new back in 1978?  Martin?  :) )

As far as I'm concerned, JD was The Greatest Band To Ever Walk
The Face Of The Earth, bar none.  No other band comes close, for me.

So, for me, it's pretty hard to listen to New Order (or watch
'em, like on the DVDs) without this bias kicking in.  (Especially
when I see "Atmosphere" on a DVD and later on they play "World In
Motion" - my God, what utter cack.  How could the same 3 people
have played on both of those tracks?!?)

Anyway, erm ... right, the new album.  Utter rubbish.  You can't
hear Bernard's vocals as noise when the lyrics are so utterly
pedestrian (Ian was a tough act to follow, but nowadays, Barney's
stuff is just plain embarrassing).  And the music is mostly
Rock-by-the-numbers, too.  There's even a bloody Reggae-sounding
track - and, what's scary, it's one of the better tracks on it.
It's just so ... so lackluster, so dull, so uninteresting musically.
The funny thing is, I was just listening to Adult.'s "Anxiety
Always" the other day, and a few tracks made me stop and think how
well sonically they do the 80's New Order sound in places ...

In short - this record is an embarrassment, and they should retire.
You have no idea how hard it is for me to say that - but they should.

        - Greg the old jaded Post-Punk geezer

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