Regarding performind dj vs. "just-ol-record-spinning-dj".

I played a set at my home club after a long break and I had the best time behind the turntables. Dunno whether it was the break or what, but hearing the crowd cheering when playing a good BOOM BOOM BOOM ubercoolische just made me smile whilst browsing my records. That's the connection. Audience giving me feedback whether I should keep this track for another 32/64 on or whether to change the atmosphere all together. I don't concider me being a "performing" dj, just a lucky guy who gets a chance to play his favourite tunes at a club now and then and liking the fact that there are small amount of people liking the same kind of music. Sharing the music?

To sum up, there must be a connection between the audience and the dj, but whether the connection is being made by dj punching through the air or just casually smiling or what ever, it doesn't really matter (at least to me). I like to see now and then dj smiling, because then I know he is having a good time and that can only mean positive vibes towards the dancefloor.

Ok, pretty useless rant, everybody knows these things now that I proof read my post :)

Jari Tolkkinen | dj ken-guru |

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