Here, here- couldn't agree more fully

(not quite human) Jason

On 24 May 2005, at 17:24, Greg Earle wrote:

On May 24, 2005, at 9:59 AM EDT, Neil Wiernik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hey robin in my nearly 10 years of being on the 313 list I have done my share of contribution - right now or I should say in the last 12 months
there has been little that I found worthy of contribution to that the
majority of the subjects are petty arguments...about stupid stuff...
as soon as I see a subject that's worthy of reply don't you worry your
little head I will...

My own personal archives of (313) go back to November 1997.

I don't see any contributions from you until mid-2001.  That lasted
until April 2002.  Then there was nothing from you until December
of 2003.

While we can't deny that you've made the occasional contribution, the
*vast* majority of them in the last year and a half (since you've
been posting again) have been to hawk your own live shows.  Fact.

There are other people here on the list that play out live, whether
they be DJs or producers.  They don't feel the need to post to the
list every time they play out.  Only you do.  This is why we complain
about being SPAMmed.

I can't be a total hater because your picture shows that you are the
bastard offspring of myself and DJ T-1000.  :)

But I (and Robin, and Alex, and ... ) can hate the continual SPAM.
Nobody else does it.  You shouldn't either.

    - Greg

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