redman before kms was ok, the last song for the smokers was a dope 4/floor hiphop anthem thing, hot, and i didnt notice he only said kevin "saunder" as someone else said...i heard saunderson? maybe my roll was just starting. i did think it was a bit uhh stupid and lame to have all this hype for proggy kms dj set, when juan had just played legendary sh:t live, but typical, whatever

Now that i think about it, he said kevin saunders, my friend heard it too, maybe it will show up on the livesets, tons are floating around already. I know a guy who has mp3s of all thirty some dj sets from the main stage. --maybe i am tripping and he slurred it to correct himself--but i don't do e and i don't trip unless dosed, and that is rare.

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