you are tripping i think, i totally remember he said it correctly and then 
jumped onto the back of his pegacorn and flew away leaving a trail of rainbow 

some wicked sketchy or maybe homeless guy tried to sell me something outside 
cobo, opening a black garbage bag and asking me "eyyyy youwann some EATS!?" and 
damn i was hungry but after several "what??"s i figured out he was saying 
"e's"...i wasnt really hungry enough to eat any food he might have had anyways, 
well probably, but it would have been about as good as the frozen pizza they 
were selling at the festival. like it wasnt even digiorno it was cheap frozen 
pizza, damn like you'd be making more money if you made your own pizza y'know, 
not smart. so but anyways yeah, still rolling, thanks sketchy dude, good eats.

weird how the cops wouldnt let you sleep on the grass, but you could pitch a 
tent? well, i saw two people in a little tent anyways, just sitting in it 
staring out from the flap/window. damn i bet it was nice in there!!!

best idiot shivers i got was in the hotel elevator, some big goofy whitebread 
dude was making chitchat with an indian guy and comes out with "so, are you 
iraqi?" awkward silence then "i'm indian!!" hahahaha soooooo pathetic, like wtf 
how can you confuse the two? and who goes up to someone and asks them what they 
are anyways? then dude is clmsily trying to explain how there are lots of 
iraqi's in the area and how that is weird because you'd think they'd want to 
live in a hot desert-y place. it was so awkard and so stupid like disgusting 
really but my gf and i were cracking up. it was reminiscent of the guy in front 
of me in LAX baggage check line a few weeks ago making clever freedom-loving 
jokes about how they should just put up signs for "al qaeda 50% off" and that 
way we'd catch all the terrorists, like wtf do i look like a patriot to you, 
and....oh man. so many stupid people i hate everybody

another sketchy guy was outside the psychothrill party, at first enticing my 
friends to give him money to buy lamely joining conversations and 
then not so subtly saying things like "yeah, and it would be so great to have 
some beer right now dont you think? beer would make this party off the hook -- 
how about you give me some money and i'll go get some and keep the change?" 
after trying that for awhile he explained he desperately need taxi fare or 
something, and started trying to sell my friends beads - 2 beads actually, and 
he produced them from his pocket like they were solid gold or something ohhhhhh 
ahhhhhhh yo check these beads out you aint seen no sh:t like this before

ok now someone else ramble half-asleep stories about the weekend!

> redman before kms was ok, the last song for the smokers was a dope 
> 4/floor hiphop anthem thing, hot, and i didnt notice he only said 
> kevin "saunder" as someone else said...i heard saunderson? maybe my 
> roll was just starting. i did think it was a bit uhh stupid and lame 
> to have all this hype for proggy kms dj set, when juan had just played 
> legendary sh:t live, but typical, whatever

Now that i think about it, he said kevin saunders, my friend heard it 
too, maybe it will show up on the livesets, tons are floating around 
already.  I know a guy who has mp3s of all thirty some dj sets from the 
main stage.  --maybe i am tripping and he slurred it to correct 
himself--but i don't do e and i don't trip unless dosed, and that is 

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