---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: David Powers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Okay, look - I'm 30, I grew up in the 1980's.  I never owned an
>synth.  A studio full of analog equipment isn't part of my life.
>is a huge part of my life is digital technology.  I've been
>by digital my whole life - beginning with my Texas Instruments 99-4A 
>computer, Atari, and Yamaha DX100 and Casio CZ101.  And now,
every day 
>when I'm at work, I am on a computer. 

when you were young, what did you listen to music on? for me it
was always a record or a cassette, till i was about 12 in 91 and i
got a CD player. but even since then ive been a big fan of records
and cassettes, ive only owned 3 CD players (not counting whats in
my computers), none in my car and i only got a portable CD player
for the first time 2 years ago because i got it for free.
regardless, even then digital multitracking was extremely uncommon
and most stuff was made on tape and had a mostly analogue signal
path, even if it was a digital synth. 

>Digital glitch, weird DSP, all the micro-shiz, is very relevant
to me, 
>because they speak to the digital experience, and they highlight the 
>inherent dissonance in reality, the imperfection.  Yeah, I'm on the 
>microsound list too, haha.

the thing is, digital malfunctioning doesnt sound good. if you
overdrive an analogue tape or an analogue preamp, it sounds
awesome. if you do the same with digital, it sounds horrible.
digital clipping is honestly one of the worst sounds i can think of. 

>I find it strange that people can like the imperfections of
analog, but 
>at the same time fail to appreciate the "glitch" aesthetic which 
>exploits the imperfections of digital.  

i like certain aspects of digital music making. low bitrate or low
frequency samples sound pretty awesome. sampling in general is a
good thing and certainly isnt easy or convenient to approximate in
analogue. ultra lo-fi digital EFX are also pretty interesting and
very cheap (though i do prefer analogue EFX).

>Well, thank god they made a tape 
>hiss VST...   ;)

that kinda thing is mad wack. 




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