Oh well, the music stuff lasted for about an hour :(

Can't you two guys just respond to each other privately?


On 7 Jul 2005, at 19:15, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

whats mad wack is you passing judgements on sound and technique,

as if your opinion matters to anyone but yourself.

uh oh, should i just quit talking then? too bad if you think i
care what you think about what i think.

for working at a record store, you sure are oblivious to the

subjective nature of audio appreciation

i dont care if other people like bad music, its their loss not
mine. id like to try and help them, but most people just wanna
hear the same old nonsense theyve always liked.

not only that, but your wannabe urban lingo is "mad wack", yo

i know youre not the brightest bulb on the chirstmas tree, but
dont you think i would try some other slang if i wasnt just being
silly? jesus.

some of you thought it, I said it.

here's one for you: youre garbage.



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