whats mad wack is you passing judgements on sound and technique, as if your 
opinion matters to anyone but yourself.

for working at a record store, you sure are oblivious to the subjective nature 
of audio appreciation

not only that, but your wannabe urban lingo is "mad wack", yo

some of you thought it, I said it.  


> From: "Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/07/07 Thu PM 01:56:04 EDT
> To: <313@hyperreal.org>
> Subject: Re: (313) digital glitches are the new tape hiss
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: David Powers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Okay, look - I'm 30, I grew up in the 1980's.  I never owned an
> >synth.  A studio full of analog equipment isn't part of my life.
>  What 
> >is a huge part of my life is digital technology.  I've been
> surrounded 
> >by digital my whole life - beginning with my Texas Instruments 99-4A 
> >computer, Atari, and Yamaha DX100 and Casio CZ101.  And now,
> every day 
> >when I'm at work, I am on a computer. 
> when you were young, what did you listen to music on? for me it
> was always a record or a cassette, till i was about 12 in 91 and i
> got a CD player. but even since then ive been a big fan of records
> and cassettes, ive only owned 3 CD players (not counting whats in
> my computers), none in my car and i only got a portable CD player
> for the first time 2 years ago because i got it for free.
> regardless, even then digital multitracking was extremely uncommon
> and most stuff was made on tape and had a mostly analogue signal
> path, even if it was a digital synth. 
> >Digital glitch, weird DSP, all the micro-shiz, is very relevant
> to me, 
> >because they speak to the digital experience, and they highlight the 
> >inherent dissonance in reality, the imperfection.  Yeah, I'm on the 
> >microsound list too, haha.
> the thing is, digital malfunctioning doesnt sound good. if you
> overdrive an analogue tape or an analogue preamp, it sounds
> awesome. if you do the same with digital, it sounds horrible.
> digital clipping is honestly one of the worst sounds i can think of. 
> >I find it strange that people can like the imperfections of
> analog, but 
> >at the same time fail to appreciate the "glitch" aesthetic which 
> >exploits the imperfections of digital.  
> i like certain aspects of digital music making. low bitrate or low
> frequency samples sound pretty awesome. sampling in general is a
> good thing and certainly isnt easy or convenient to approximate in
> analogue. ultra lo-fi digital EFX are also pretty interesting and
> very cheap (though i do prefer analogue EFX).
> >Well, thank god they made a tape 
> >hiss VST...   ;)
> that kinda thing is mad wack. 
> tom 
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> andythepooh.com

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