Just had a mate email me about Monolake last night in Manchester. was apparently amazing.

and some OT-ness for the nerds: his custom controller just sported one firewire cable apparently.


Roman von Contzen wrote:
actually he's a guy from berlin whose name is robert henke. his website: http://www.monolake.de/ if you're into ableton live you should know him. the whole ableton idea was born out of a music project done by robert henke and gerhard behles feeling the need to create their own software to be able to create music the way they wanted to. one half of this project was "robert henke" whilst "gerhard behles" cocentrated more and more on the software project now known as "ableton live". if you need more info check out this very nice article (in english): http://www.disquiet.com/monolake.html i woudn't call monolake a dance project but when i saw him performing last time he rocked "berghain". on this night i met a guy from japan on his trip to europe. when i asked why he had come to club berghain although there are so many clubs over here his answer was: "monolake". you can meet robert in the clubs or at hardwax every now and then. last time i saw him as a guest he was at the moodyman show at club water-gate/berlin.
a very nice set from 99' is online at http://www.betalounge.com/
afaik he performed at oslo/detroit some weeks ago. and he can be found at every important electronic music festival. if you haven't heard his music yet you shurely have missed an important artist of nowadays electronic music - regarding our planet - not just berlin.

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