hye thanks this sounds to be the most accurate translation so far ... and i agree with it hehhe =)

hhaha well for the readers, the tracks do not pretend to be rob hood like. its quite funny coz ive heard about this comparison many times. anyways they fully desserve this kindof review coz they are more supposed to "sampleless dj tools" rather than strict minimal tracks

thanks for the translation

Roman von Contzen a écrit :
has anyone already sent some translation?
well... here's mine. i wish the task would have been to translate a more positive review...
"the follow up to "t1-t2", and at first hand it reminds you about actual stuff from rob hood. regarding this you get the borders in which everything here is happening: techno around 140bpm which purely bases on frequencies and lacks some tension after a while because the strict minimalism of former m-plant records is missing. on the other hand quite usefull as tools. a remix by krzik whose compressed bassdrum reminds me very much of alexander kowalski and with the sporadic appearing female vocals and the sequenz rushed through the filter isn't able to entertain a lot. the other one by ncw concentrates more on the above mentioned minimalism with a subtle note and therefore is my favourite whom i don't mind to be about nine minutes play time in total."

Benoît Pueyo wrote:

no sorry it does not woakr at all just because techno review always use word that have a particular meaning in this context

ill be away from the computer for some days so if somebody is interested im posting here the stuff i have no idea of what it means (i understand Rob Hood) so sont think its blatant promotion of my music (who cares?)

thanks a lot

"nachfolger zur “t1-t2″, und als allererstes fühlt man sich an aktuelle sachen von robert hood erinnert. damit wäre auch der rahmen umrissen, in dem sich das ganze hier abspielt: techno im bereich um 140 bpm, welcher rein auf sequenzen basiert und dadurch auf dauer etwas spannungsarm wirkt, weil der strikte minimalismus früherer m-plant-platten fehlt. als tools aber brauchbar. ein remix von krzik, dessen komprimierte bassdrum sehr an alexander kowalski erinnert und mit dem sporadisch eingestreuten frauenvocal neben der durch den filter gejagten sequenz nicht wirklich viel reißen kann. der andere von ncw besinnt sich auf den eben angesprochenen minimalismus mit subtiler note und mausert sich damit zu meinem favoriten, dem man auch gerne fast neun minuten zeit gibt."

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