if that's how things will look in ten years time, then it's an improvement
- they're getting a better turn out than a techno night around here.

             Dan Bean                                                      
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             o.uk>                                                      To 
                                       Jamie Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
             11/03/05 08:37 AM                                          cc 
                                       Philip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 313     
                                       Re: (313) The more things change    

> Well, if you want to know where techno is headed in the next 10 years
> the answer  can be summed up in two words. 'Northern Soul'.
> Check out these amphetamine addled crumblies.
> http://www.okehsoulclub.myby.co.uk/snapper/images/darl/index.htm
> That's you lot in 10 years that is ;-)


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