Thing is though that scene was always backwards looking and, from what I know, resisted anything that wasn't from detroit. Techno isn't really like that.

While some what you mention above is true (I don't agree that it was backwards looking as a movement - only the clubs where keeping it in check), I think the biggest problem they had was with the "hardcore" at the nights that demand faster tracks and keeping everything very narrow, if it didn't fit - it was out!

Yeah true. My knowledge is a little patchy on these things :)

Which, as you point out, Techno doesn't really do that. In fact I'd say there's more chance of techno people embracing it but as the next generation of kids grow up an discover music they certainly don't want to be into the same sh1t as their parents....

True, but that is what happens to most generations. They do listen to what their parents were listening to, just presented in a different way, done with a different attitude and done with a different drug of choice. The music might be similar but the culture is different.

Anyway...I could natter on about this all day but it isn't good to over think these things and I better get some work done :)


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