it's surprising to hear that Peacefrog and/or Joe
> Lewis is releasing another artists work and not giving any credit to the
> original producers.

it would seem that if you look into the true history of the Chicago music
biz, that it is something that has been going on for along time....people
stealing/borrowing other people's tracks or whatever you wanna call
it.....and the labels usally dont care cause all they want to do is get
the music out, or with some labels they just want the money/record

i know i have gone/going through this recently with a  "head" from
Chicago. at least the label im dealing with is proper and taking care of
business correct since they found out the truth. but i also know some
labels dont really go out of there way to corret the problems of stolen
tracks cause they usally have to come out of the pocket for re-press's,
money, ect.....and alot of people dont even care who did what unless its a
major/high profile  artist involved, cause they know nothing really will
happen. and on the rare occasion that the artist does get it taken care
of. no one will remember the original artist anyhow...just the guy who
stole the track and the label its on......
wack if u ask me...


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