Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:
On 12/8/05, Guilherme Menegon Arantes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I agree. A bit disappointed with this CC mix (the same goes for the
recent RH ones, the L.Garnier one and for the Darkness one... not my
CC cup of tea).

i REALLY don't like the garnier rmx. that bass sound is the worst
sound of all time, it annoys me so much its ridiculous.

yeah that's doom's night wow sound....rubbish. carl hang your head.

i didnt like
the rush hour ones particularly either,

they're good but the original is very good too, especially when slowed down. (this the terry brookes we're talking right?)

but they didnt irritate me
like that garnier did. the theo one is good, i like it, it reminds me
of his recent productions which as i have pointed out on here before i
find to be only good until i hear them on a system that can handle the
low end properly, then i fall in love. i didnt even recognize
"sandstorms" when i first heard it out it sounded so different!

tom, you need a better stereo at home :)

and Gui, face it man you're not a C2 fan anymore... :)


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