Firstly, I'm not averse to digital downloads at all. I'm thinking that it might be the way forward but I can't get past the whole having a bit of vinyl in front of me and wonder if others can too.

> I mean when I dj I play off a laptop and I've not bought one single
> digital download yet (i buy vinyl, or with a push, CD).*<----in the >future after things get rolling we were thinking about offering package >deals where you buy the vinyl and get the MP3's so you won't have to >wait for the record to get there to play it. First things first though >:)*

aha....that sounds like a great idea.

> it a different market that sits alongside vinyl, so broadening
> the market out for these things?*<---I am a vinyl junkie more than >anything else in the world but the reality is that vinyl is not a >sustainable buisness venture for anybody anymore,

indeed. i have small label owning/running friends. the days of shifting huge numbers of vinyl records are over.

>  We are all music lovers here at submerge
> and we would like to make it a little easier for the new artists and >producers to share their love too.*

i totally see where you come from. it will be very interesting to see if this works out for you.

> Also, when people pay for the DLs of these things they just go on
> Soulseek don't they? (normally if it was a vinyl rip on soulseek then >it
> could be viewed as a promo device as people wnat the physical article >if
> they like it....but a download??).*<----That's also true. We are >betting however that there are some people out there that are trading >our music online because there is no other way to get it.

i'm spoiled, we here in Manchester (UK) are very well endowed with record shops that can get pretty much any release (often US records before US shops!). I forget that there are places that don't have easy access to the vinyl.

> I know that some of it will go to sites like soulseek but i hope the >people that do that would realise that by doing that that they are >actually hurting the artists they claim to love so much. Unfortunatly >sites like soulseek are actually capable of killing techno by taking >away the artist livelyhood. Everybody that does this music loves to do >it more than anything else in the world but some of them have families >to feed and bills to pay just like any of you. It's true that sometimes >downloads on sites like soulseek can be great promotion* *but >unfortuanatly with the new mediums to use to spin music now some of >those people will never buy a 12". There are also young people that are >now just learning about this music that can't afford to go out and buy >a turntable to listen to it with not to mention a second one, a mixer >and a small PA for their basement in order to experience it. Giving >them a new choice can also help spread the word for everybody. Also if >we never made them available for download then people wouldn't even >have the choice to buy their music honestly on anything other than a >12", 7" or CD.

again i agree. i don't soulseek and buy all my music because i'm aware of the bigger picture here and what's at stake.

what is clear is that we are in a transitional stage for the whole music industry and with our particular niche there are different considerations/implications with this shift. i think for someone in your collective position the digital approach has to be tried. i really hope it works out.


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