Cyclone Wehner wrote:
> I think he's doing a few R&B acts as well. I imagined he was working
> with Britney, not K-Fed, as that's what the rumours suggested months
> back but then he dropped the K-Fed song here and I realised. He's the
> most atrocious rap artist ever, K-Fed, but the song is OK. I wish him
> (Disco D) well. Anybody read the interview with him in Urb? Quite
> revealing, I never imagined. V brave to talk about depression I
> think. Good on him.

Just to clarify the intended tone of my original message on the subject,
it's not that I don't wish David success, it's that I worry about him
making bad choices in a blind grab for fame. Sometimes the things you do
to pay the bills can come back  to haunt you, ya know? I mean, everybody's
seen that ridiculous video of Federline pretending to work a mixer while
bobbing his head to D's production . . . that record will never be more
than an industry joke, purely because of its associated with Kevin.

I'm not anti-commercial, I just think that over the long run, it pays for
an artist to be careful who and what he associates with.


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