Thank You!

--- diana potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> seek- You sound so angry when you speak of Dave
> (we'll
> call him by his real name since the other seems to
> get
> you upset). Is there something personal there?
> I'm with the others on this. Be happy for him-he's
> made a career out of doing what he loves. Not many
> can
> say that AND get recognized for it too.
> Let's start saving the stress for more important
> things in our lives.
> d
> --- seek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "Kent Williams" 
> > If people want to complain about his work that's
> > fine, but he's pieced
> > together a living out of the opportunities
> presented
> > to him, and
> > there's no inherent shame in that.  We all got to
> > pay the bills.
> > ========================
> > 
> > 
> > Yeah, there's no shame in waiting tables, either,
> > and it can pay the bills
> > and it doesn't reek of a desire to be a star in a
> > sick culture no matter
> > the price of fame.  And he sought out those
> > "presented" opportunities:
> > he's a glory hog, obviously.  That is a shame,
> imo.
> > 
> > btw, I finally saw that "refreshing" VISA ad with
> > 'Looking for the Perfect Beat',
> > showing on a tv in a store where I'd purchased a
> > daily 'paper (reading: it's fun-damental),
> > and was struck by how much the dick with the
> > checkbook looked like a straight/normal 
> > version of Disco D!   And the worm wasn't on the
> > beat, either.  Lame.  Not even cool, 
> > not even a tiny, worm-sized bit.
> > 
> > Seriously, though, how can any of you take some
> > white guy in the year 2006 calling
> > himself Disco D seriously, seriously?!?!  Disco
> D!!!
> >  Disco D!!!!!!!!
> > It's just too fncking funny!!!!!!!!
> > Are you all sure that guy's not really Ali G,
> taking
> > the piss?!!!!
> > 
> > seek
> > 
> > 
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