Tom always comes with the strong opinions. Then people get their backs
up. Then it gets personal.  I'd be really impressed if people would
just refute his arguments and leave it at that. Or, failing that,
bring up butt-ugly UK pop stars from the 80s.

Personally, I think that Detroit Techno is what it is because of a
confluence of external influences filtered through the artistic
sensibilities of Detroit musicians. Afrika Bambaataa, Kraftwerk,
Prince, yadda yadda bling bling -- you know the story. And if you
don't go read "Techno Rebels."

Once Detroit artists began establishing an artistic identity of their
own -- which is by no means limited to one true 'Detroit Techno' style
-- the Detroit music influenced and inspired musicians all over the
world.  DEMF has always been a many-to-many dialog between people --
some from Detroit, some from elsewhere.  Some (on the 313 list)
apparently from other planets.

Given that Richie started playing in Detroit at Shelter in the late
80s, and that he has many personal and artistic ties to Detroit
people, to say he's not 'Detroit Enough' would disqualify a lot of
folks who are playing or have played at the festival, many of whom Tom
(among others) really like. Sure, people got mad when Richie etched
his white labels with "new sound of detroit." But if he hadn't done
that, they'd be mad at him about something else.

When has the Detroit Techno community ever been harmonious? It's been
over twenty years of one damn drama after another.

I'm not suggesting that anyone have to like his music, and I'm
familiar with every possible rant against him.  Go ahead and make fun
of his haircut.  Call him a Väth-kisser.  But I don't think a
'Detroit-enough' litmus test exists.  Hell, I've been to Belleville,
and believe me, Belleville ain't Detroit!

On 5/17/06, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
so, when richie and crew put the "new sound of detroit" stamps on
their white label records, causing all kinds of controversy about
music not from detroit taking credit for what they did, do you think
that this year's DEMF is EXACTLY what people were concerned about?

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